Newsletter #20:
"Summer is for Patriots"

DATE: June 7, 2024

Friend --

Liberty is the reason for the season.

Summer is upon on us. That means we have many opportunities to honor our country, our veterans, and the freedom so many have sacrificed to secure.

Of course, defending our liberties is one of the main reasons I am running to serve the people of Geauga County as your next commissioner.

In 1776 — and the two and a half centuries since — each American generation has risen to the occasion to protect freedom from threats both foreign and domestic.

As a great President once warned us:

“Freedom is never more than
one generation away from extinction.
We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream.

It must be fought for, protected,

and handed on for them to do the same;

or one day, we will spend our sunset years
telling our children, and our children’s children,
about that time in America when men were free.”

President Ronald Reagan

When I look at my own children and the times we live in, I am reminded that this is most certainly the responsibility of our generation.

In this land of freedom, we have received a great inheritance from our ancestors. However, recent events have made it clear just how fragile that inheritance is.

That is why good men and women cannot afford to sit on the sidelines any longer — as the people are robbed of their freedoms and paychecks.

I am running for office to help ensure the torch of liberty, which has been handed down to us, does not go extinguished in our times. I hope you will stand with me in this effort by making a contribution to our campaign.

Now that I am the Republican nominee, I am running this November against a pro-lockdown Democrat. 

My opponent believes government officials should make healthcare decisions for children (including forced masking) instead of respecting parental authority.

That is not the land of liberty our ancestors fought for, but it is the America we could slide back into if elections swing left this November.

To protect liberty in Geauga County, please click here to make a contribution of $17.76, $35, $50 — or any amount you can afford — to support our campaign.

Carolyn speaks to supporters at a recent campaign event on her fight to defend freedom, protect paychecks, and defeat dysfunction.

This summer, we mark several important American holidays.

With Memorial Day recently passed, we remembered those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country. It is not enough to honor their memory; we must also ensure their sacrifices are never made in vain.

As a Geauga County Commissioner, our veterans, active service personnel, and kids who could be called into foreign wars at a moment's notice will always be at the forefront of my mind.

On Memorial Day, we honored our fallen and Americans in uniform who risk their lives each day, and support leaders who put America and its countrymen first.

On Memorial Day, patriots across Geauga united to remember and honor the fallen.

Next week, you can join the Geauga County GOP to celebrate Flag Day!

On Friday, June 14, the Geauga GOP is hosting Lt. Governor Jon Husted and Ohio Supreme Court candidate Judge Megan Shanahan.

It will take place from 5:30 - 8:00 PM at The Rookery, Great Blue Heron Lodge, 10110 Cedar Road in Chesterland. The cost per person is $30 and will be professionally catered.

RSVPs were required by Wednesday, June 5, but a few spots have been reserved for my supporters.

Make a call to 440-256-6199 or send an email to by Sunday evening, and you can secure one of these spots so we can celebrate Flag Day together.

To pay online and to see more information, visit

Join Carolyn this Friday at the Geauga GOP’s Flag Day event, featuring Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted and Judge Megan Shanahan.

But that’s not enough freedom for one summer.

Team Brakey will be marching in the Independence Day Parade (hosted by Kiwanis of West Geauga). We would love for you and your family to join us!

To RSVP as a volunteer for the Independence Day parade, (1) reply to this email or (2) click here to RSVP on Facebook.

Supporters of Carolyn are invited to march with her in the upcoming Independence Day parade, hosted by the West Geauga Kiwanis.

Thank you for standing with us in this campaign for liberty.

I hope to see you on Flag Day next Friday and on July 4 for the Independence Day Parade.

For patriots, there are many opportunities this summer to celebrate the freedoms past generations fought to preserve for us.

And if you would like to help us defend those liberties for future generations, your most generous contribution to our campaign is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for all your support.

For Liberty!
Carolyn Brakey
Republican Nominee,
Geauga County Commissioner

P.S. Among Memorial Day, Flag Day, and Independence Day, summer is truly for patriots who love and cherish freedom.

Serving the people of Geauga County as your next commissioner, I will always work to protect your freedoms and defend your paychecks.

However, my Democrat opponent in the November election has proudly supported lockdowns and mask mandates, including on our school children.

We cannot afford to let freedom slip through our fingers in the upcoming elections, so I hope you will stand with me in this campaign.

To keep our momentum building, will you chip in $17.76 to help our campaign keep Geauga free this November?

Thank you to all who have donated time and treasure for their support.

Let’s keep the torch of liberty burning bright, so our children can inherit from us the freedoms we received from our ancestors.