Newsletter #21:
"Over the Limit on America"

DATE: July 12, 2024

Friend --

How was your Independence Day?

Two-hundred and forty-eight years ago, Thomas Jefferson declared the inalienable God-given rights of all mankind to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” as our reason for revolution and independence.

On this 248th anniversary, local supporters joined me in the continued march of American liberty for the West Geauga Kiwanis Independence Day Parade.

Thank you to all who came out for the parade!

Supporters of Carolyn joined her to march in the Chesterland Independence Day parade, hosted by the West Geauga Kiwanis.

Our volunteers made sure that patriots of all ages along the parade route received plenty of candy and swag to celebrate the holiday.

I loved seeing so many smiling children decked out in red, white, and blue and enjoying Independence Day!

The torch of liberty has lasted this long by being passed down from generation to generation — so we must keep that flame burning in the hearts of the young.

Independence Day inspires the next generation with a love of American liberty.

At the end of the parade route, I ran into our County Sheriff, Scott Hildenbrand.

Wouldn’t you know it, Sheriff Hildenbrand issued me a citation for being over the limit on America. This is one ticket I couldn’t talk my way out of and scrounged up my Tootsie Roll toll.

Carolyn runs into Sheriff Hildenbrand at the Chesterland Independence Day parade.

I am grateful to all who joined us — volunteers and parade goers — for a successful celebration of American liberty.

Independence Day has passed, but that does not mean the importance of preserving freedom should disappear from our minds.

As you know, I am running as the Republican nominee for Geauga County Commissioner to preserve the values we celebrate each July 4.

Recent years have taught us just how fragile American liberty can be if we do not have elected officials who respect our freedoms, our paychecks, and our families.

Sadly, government has shown how quickly it can trample upon our rights. And with radical progressives taking more power in Geauga County, our way of life hangs in the balance.

Democrats have been making gains in Geauga — securing multiple wins for local offices. With so much attention on this year’s presidential race, Republicans cannot afford to surrender more ground by ignoring the local races that impact our communities most.

With less than four months until the November Election Day, I need your help. To share our message, we need the funds to reach voters through mailboxes, local newspapers, and over social media.

Even a $25 contribution sends a message that you believe in a free Geauga County, where we keep the money we earn, make our own personal decisions, and take responsibility for ourselves, our families, and our communities.

To help win this race against my Democrat opponent, please CLICK HERE to make a contribution to our campaign.

For Liberty!
Carolyn Brakey
Republican Nominee,
Geauga County Commissioner

P.S. We had a great showing of support for our campaign and American liberty at the West Geauga Kiwanis Independence Day Parade. Thank you to all who came out in support!

Independence Day, July 4, is not the only day that liberty is on our minds.

Election Day, November 5, is fast approaching when our freedoms, paychecks, and families are at stake — and I need your help to deliver our message to voters.

To win in November, please make a contribution of $100, $50, $25 or any amount you can afford to help us defend freedom, protect paychecks, and defeat dysfunction.