Newsletter #22:
"Attacks from the Shadows"

DATE: July 23, 2024

“There are decades where nothing happens;
and then there are weeks where decades happen.”
— Vladimir Lenin

I am not in the habit of quoting the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution — who instituted a murderous ideology that transformed Russia into a communist nightmare — but today his words feel eerily appropriate.

Have you noticed that history seemed to hit the fast-forward button these last few weeks?

In both of these monumental events, our democratic institutions — premised on the promise that “We the People” choose our elected officials — are under attack from the shadows.

Fortunately for America, the Holy Spirit was at work on July 13 in Butler Township, Pennsylvania.

President Donald Trump narrowly survives an assassination attempt in Pennsylvania.

Without this miracle, President Donald Trump would not be with us today.

Mere days later, at the National GOP Convention in Milwaukee, establishment insiders would have selected a new nominee (just as Democratic Party officials are doing right now).

Do you suspect they would have preferred someone more favorable to Washington, D.C. agendas?

Instead, two days later, a resolute Donald Trump was able to name Ohio’s junior U.S. Senator, J.D. Vance, as his pick for Vice President of the United States — ensuring the America First agenda will live on.

U.S. Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) accepts the nomination for Vice President of the United States at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

Ohio stands with J.D. Vance.

J.D. Vance’s story is one of resilience. He rose from poverty, pursued his education, became a best-selling author, and then our U.S. Senator.

Better than most, J.D. Vance understands that big government is rarely the solution to those struggling to get by — and often an active hinderance to those trying to get ahead.

I was especially grateful to hear Senator Vance speak about our men and women in uniform, and the caution the executive branch should exercise before sending them off into foreign wars.

While my husband and I were watching on X (with our twins in bed), the Brakey family was still represented in person at the Republican National Convention.

Thank you to my brother-in-law, Maine State Senator Eric Brakey, for grabbing the above photo of Senator Vance from the convention floor.

Carolyn’s brother-in-law, Maine State Senator Eric Brakey, serves as a delegate for the Pine Tree State at the National GOP Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

As we were watching, I couldn’t help but think back to my first meeting with Senator J.D. Vance.

In the summer of 2021, I was just beginning my involvement in Geauga GOP politics. I hadn't yet been appointed to the Board of Health, let alone considered running for elected office.

My husband and I attended a Primary 2022 Preview Brunch hosted by the Western Reserve Women's Republican Club. This was back when J.D. Vance was still in a very crowded primary field (and far from the favorite) for the U.S. Senate.

Thanks to my friend Sharon Gingerich pulling some strings, I was seated next to J.D. for the brunch. We had an extensive conversation on a wide range of issues.

The topic of Donald Trump came up, specifically J.D.'s previous critical comments about him. I asked JD how he planned to navigate those critical comments.

J.D. sincerely shared that his opinion changed after seeing President Trump's performance in office. I, being of similar age, told J.D. that I initially had misgivings about President Trump too, but I always honestly tell people, "Donald Trump is the greatest President of my lifetime."

Nine months later, Donald Trump formally endorsed JD Vance for US Senate. In his statement, J.D. Vance described Trump as "the greatest President of my lifetime."

Carolyn and her husband, Matt, met with J.D. Vance shortly after his U.S. Senate victory and thanked him for being an advocate for peace and America First.

In the years since, I have enjoyed meeting and speaking with Senator Vance on multiple occasions.

Our last meeting took place at the Vance campaign's invitation-only post-senate election event. I was honored to attend (even though it meant leaving Geauga County).

After some chitchat about family, my husband and I thanked J.D. for taking a brave stance on the Russia/Ukraine conflict, advocating for peace against a constant drumbeat of war.

As our next Vice President of the United States, my prayer for J.D. Vance is that he never loses his America First roots.

I am optimistic that four years from now, I will be able to call J.D. Vance the greatest Vice President of my lifetime.

Carolyn and her husband, Matt, meeting with then U.S. Senate candidate J.D. Vance.

With “decades happening” in a few short weeks, we cannot afford to forget that securing freedom for our families and communities depends on electing good people up and down the ballot.

As you know, I am running as the Republican nominee for Geauga County Commissioner to preserve the freedoms and values entrusted to us by our forefathers.

Recent weeks have taught us just how fragile American liberty can be.

With less than four months until the November Election Day, I need your help.

To share our message, we need the funds to reach voters through mailboxes, local newspapers, and over social media.

Even a $25 contribution sends a message that you believe in a free Geauga County, where we keep the money we earn, make our own personal decisions, and take responsibility for ourselves, our families, and our communities.

To help win this contested race against my Democrat opponent, please CLICK HERE to make a contribution to our campaign.

For Liberty!
Carolyn Brakey
Republican Nominee,
Geauga County Commissioner

P.S. Like most Americans, I’ve been shocked by national events.

And like most Ohioans, in the face of chaos, I was proud to see our U.S. Senator, J.D. Vance, accept the Republican nomination for Vice President this past week.

With humble roots in Middletown, Ohio, Senator Vance understands particularly well how big government stands in the way of those trying to climb out of poverty.

Like J.D. Vance, I am running for office to serve you.

Election Day, November 5, is fast approaching when our freedoms, paychecks, and families are at stake — and I need your help to deliver our message to voters.

To win in November, please make a contribution of $100, $50, $25 or any amount you can afford to help us defend freedom, protect paychecks, and defeat dysfunction.